

College 教师
Co-Head of the Contemporary Performance Program, Co-Artistic Advisor of the TACTUS ensemble

Percussionist Matt Ward is dedicated to performing 和 commissioning new music 和 has been cited by the New York Times as “a fine soloist”.  Specializing in contemporary chamber music, he is a principal member with American Modern Ensemble, Talujon, Argento Chamber Ensemble, 合奏IPSE 和 is the Manager of Percussion 和 Co-Chair 和 Co-Artistic Advisor of the Contemporary Performance program at the Manhattan School of Music.  Dr. Ward also performs regularly with groups such as The Albany Symphony, Talea Ensemble, SEM合奏, The Orchestra of the League of Composers, Sequitor, Riverside Symphony 和 has played on numerous Broadway shows including Light in the Piazza, How to Succeed in Business, An American in Paris, among others. Dr. Ward was the recipient of the Ridley-Tree Fellowship at the Music Academy of the West in 1998, in 1999 he participated in the Tanglewood Music Center under the direction of Seiji Ozawa 和 George Benjamin 和 returned the following year for the American Premiere of Pierre Boulez’s Sur Incises at the 60th Anniversary TMC 校友 Concert.  Recent performance highlights include the American Premieres of works by Elliot Carter, Charles Wuorinen, Bernhard朗, Georg Friedrich Haas, Philippe Hurel 和 Wolfgang Rihm.

Matt Ward began studying conducting as the student director of the Stony Brook Contemporary Chamber Players 和 in residence at the Bang On a Can Summer Institute.  从那时起, he has premiered new works by Phillipe Manoury, 劳伦斯•莫斯, 罗斯·鲍尔, Meyer Kupferman, 芭芭拉白, Sebastian Armoza 和 many other young composers.  He has also worked as guest conductor with Camerata Nova, 合奏IPSE, The International Contemporary Ensemble, 湿油墨, 全套服装公司., DaCapo Chamber Players, New York New Music Ensemble, Tactus Ensemble, premiering dozens of new pieces by young composers every year.

Dr. Ward holds a BM degree from the Manhattan School of Music 和 a MM 和 DMA degree from SUNY Stony Brook.  He is on faculty at Queens College, The Aaron Copl和 School of Music 和 Brooklyn College.  Through organizations such as Midori 和 Friends, 第92街Y, Westchester Philharmonic, Marquis Studios, Carnegie Hall, Dr. Ward has worked with elementary school children throughout New York City 和 the surrounding area.

He can be heard on the recording labels Aeon, 阿尔戈, Cantaloupe Music, Capstone Records, Newport Classics, Soundspell, Naxos 和 Albany Records.  Dr. Ward is a performing artist 和 clinician with Black Swamp Percussion, Vic Firth 和 Sabian Cymbals.

In the summer, Dr. Ward performs with Classical Tahoe 和 is also the Percussion Director for the Mostly Modern Festival.  In his free time, Matt is an avid gardener 和 enjoys hikes with his dog Arlo 和 anyone that can keep up.

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